Effortlessly paginate your Prisma ORM queries with paginate-prisma


When working with Prisma ORM, it's common to need pagination functionality to retrieve and display data in smaller, manageable chunks. Pagination is a technique that helps split a large amount of data into smaller, more manageable chunks, making it easier to display data in a more user-friendly way. However, implementing pagination can be a tedious and repetitive task.

That's where paginate-prisma comes in. paginate-prisma is a TypeScript library that wraps pagination for Prisma ORM. It provides a simple API for pagination that makes it easy to add pagination functionality to your Prisma queries.

In this article, we will explore paginate-prisma and learn how to use it.

Installing paginate-prisma

To install paginate-prisma, you can use your favorite package manager. Here, we'll use npm:

npm install paginate-prisma

Using paginate-prisma

To use paginate-prisma, you'll need to import it into your project:

import { paginate, PAGINATION_ORDER } from 'paginate-prisma';

Pagination Options

Before we start using paginate-prisma, let's take a look at the pagination options available:

pagenumberThe current page to retrieve. Defaults to 1.
limitnumberThe number of items to retrieve per page. Defaults to 10.
sort.fieldstringThe field to sort by. Required if sort is specified.
sort.orderPAGINATION_ORDER enumThe sort order (ASC or DESC). Required if sort is specified.
disablePaginationbooleanIf true, paginate-prisma will not apply pagination and will return all items. Useful for testing or when you don't need paging.

Using paginate

Once you have imported paginate-prisma, you can start using it in your code. To use paginate, you need to call it with the following parameters:

await paginate(prismaModel)(query, sortingOptions, additionalFindMany);

paginate returns a Promise that resolves to a PaginationResult object and an array of paginated data.

The first parameter is the Prisma model to use for pagination. You'll need to pass the model, for example:

const prisma = new PrismaClient();

const data = await paginate(prisma.user)({ /* your query options */ });

In the second parameter, you'll specify the pagination options. Here's an example:

  page: 1,
  limit: 10,
  sort: {
    field: 'createdAt',

This specifies that we want to retrieve the first page of results, with a limit of 10 items per page, sorted by the createdAt field in ascending order.

The third parameter is optional and allows you to specify additional parameters to the findMany function. For example, you might use this parameter to include related records.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to use paginate:

import { paginate, PAGINATION_ORDER } from 'paginate-prisma';

const prisma = new PrismaClient();

const data = await paginate(prisma.user)({}, {
  page: 1,
  limit: 10

Graphql Types

When using paginate-prisma with GraphQL, it can be helpful to define custom GraphQL input and output types that match the types used by the plugin. Here's an example of how to define these types in TypeScript with type-graphql.

import { Max, Min } from 'class-validator';
import {
  PaginationOptions as POptions,
  PaginationOrder as POrder,
  PaginationResult as PResult,
} from 'paginate-prisma';
import {
} from 'type-graphql';

  ASC = 'ASC',
  DESC = 'DESC',
registerEnumType(PAGINATION_ORDER, {
  description: undefined,

export class PaginationOrder<T> implements POrder<T> {
  @Field(() => String)
  field!: T;

  @Field(() => PAGINATION_ORDER, { defaultValue: PAGINATION_ORDER.ASC })

export class PaginationOptions<T> implements POptions<T> {
  @Field(() => Int, { defaultValue: 1, nullable: true })
  page?: number;

  @Field(() => Boolean, { defaultValue: false, nullable: true })
  disablePagination?: boolean;

  @Field(() => Int, { defaultValue: 10, nullable: true })
  limit?: number;

  @Field(() => PaginationOrder, { nullable: true })
  sort?: PaginationOrder<T>;

export class PaginationResult implements PResult {
  @Field(() => Int)
  page!: number;

  @Field(() => Int)
  pages!: number;

  @Field(() => Int)
  limit!: number;

  @Field(() => Int)
  items!: number;


In conclusion, paginate-prisma is a simple and efficient package for handling pagination in your Prisma ORM applications. With its easy-to-use API and extensive documentation, it can help developers focus on building their applications instead of worrying about pagination logic. Its integration with TypeScript and TypeGraphQL also makes it a great option for building type-safe applications.

By using paginate-prisma, you can reduce the amount of boilerplate code needed to handle pagination and simplify your codebase. The package is actively maintained, with regular updates and bug fixes being released to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of Prisma and other dependencies.

Overall, if you're building an application with Prisma ORM and need to handle pagination, paginate-prisma is definitely a package worth considering.